5 de agosto de 2012

25 de julio de 2012

23 de julio de 2012

6 de julio de 2012

, , , , ,

Tel.de Ayuda a la Mujer Víctima Violencia. Favor difundirlos!

Por favor difundirlos, alguien puede necesitarlos en este momento. Gracias!

Fuente: Red Solidaria.

- 160 mujeres llaman cada día a algún servico de ayuda.

- Cada hora un llamado en la ciudad de BsAs, cada 2 horas un llamado en la Provincia y cada 3 en Rosario.

- Cada 3 días una mujer es asesinada en la Argentina (por su marido, novio, ex o amante)

TELÉFONOS: (Esperamos agregados, correciones y sugerencias)

Corte Suprema de la Nación 4370-4600 internos 4510 al 4513 (Lavalle y Talcahuano , ciudad de BsAs)

Ministerio de Justicia de La Nación Teléfono: 137 Es la línea del Programa Las Víctimas contra las Violencias del Ministerio de Justicia de la Nación.

Activa una Brigada Móvil que acude al domicilio y está integrada por una psicóloga, una trabajadora social y dos policías.

Ciudad de Buenos Aires 0800 666 8537 Dirección de la Mujer.

Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Funciona las 24 horas, todos los días del año.

Provincia de Buenos Aires: 911 ó 0800-555-0137.

Buenos Aires 911

Catamarca (03833) 437644

Chaco (03722) 452633

Chubut (02965) 481119 int. 235 / 205 / 242

Córdoba (0351) 4343456 al 59

Corrientes (03783) 475413

Entre Ríos (0343) 4208826

Formosa (03717) 436372

Jujuy (0388) 4235877 (0388) 4243606 / 4243962

La Pampa (02954) 428270

La Rioja (03822) 468480 / 453762

Misiones 102 (03752) 447228 / 38

Mendoza (0261) 4492102 al 08

Neuquén 0800-122-68537 (0299) 4480659 / 4483905

Río Negro (02920) 427894

Salta (0387) 4210434

San Juan (0264) 4222713

San Luis (02652) 451128 / 9

Santa Cruz (02966) 436811/ 31

Santa Fe (0341) 4721800

Santiago del Estero (0385) 4504448

Tierra del Fuego (02964) 444507

Tucumán (0381) 4844000 int. 374


Ciudad de La Plata Consejo Municipal de la Mujer (0221) 427 - 0393

Rosario Teléfono verde (7 a 24 horas) 0800 444 - 0420 480 - 2446

Comisaría de la Mujer 472 8523 Guardia 0800-4440909, 480-4787 o 480-4788

Tribunales de Rosario: Balcarce 1650, Tel. 4721700.

Centro de Orientación a la Víctima 0341 472 85 23.

Instituto de la Mujer 0341 480 29 47 - Días y horarios: Lunes a viernes de 9 a 15 hs.

Instituto de Género Tucumán 3950 Piso 1º Tel 341-4373961

Córdoba Programa de Violencia Familiar (0351) 434 - 2113

Unidad Judicial de la Mujer y el Niño (0351) 433 – 1484 433 - 1485 0800 – 555 – MUJER 68537 0800 – 555 - JUDICIAL 58342

Prevención y Asistencia a la Violencia Familiar 0351-4688542

Asistencia Integral a la Mujer Maltratada 0351-4210251

Asistencia a la Víctima del Delito y Violencia Familiar 0351 - 4341500 4341501

Ministerio de Justicia 4207179/4207185

Palacio de Tribunales - Fiscalía de turno 4225481

Llamada al 102 (se pueden hacer denuncias por violencia)

Centro de Comunicación Popular y Asesoramiento Legal 422-3528

Dirección de Servicios Judiciales 351-4229060 int. 2446

Violencia Familiar (Duarte Quirós 650, teléfono 4298011) entre las 8 y las 20;

Mar del Plata Secretaría de Desarrollo Social 0223 - 4996612 4996650 4996602

Centro de Apoyo a la Mujer Maltratada 0223-4720524

Bahía Blanca Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia 455-2131

San Carlos de Bariloche Grupo de Mujeres "Nehuen Malen" 02944 - 423937 430647

Catamarca Asistencia a la Víctima del Delito (03833) 43 - 7533

Corrientes Centro de Atención a Niños y Jóvenes Abusados (03783) 44 – 4182.

Chaco Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (03722) 44 – 0510. Línea 102

Chubut Puerto Madryn Casa de la Mujer 02965-453528

Río Gallegos Desafíos y Compromisos (ONG) 02966-438634 cel 02966-15553860

Entre Ríos Violencia Familiar (0343) 431 0702

Formosa Consejo del Menor y la Familia (03717) 42-8562 42-7133 42-6114

Gral. Roca Asociación Rionegrina de Prevención de la Violencia Familiar 02941 – 428342 430788

Jujuy (0388) 424-0068 422-7596

La Pampa Dirección de la Familia y el Menor (02954) 42 – 2766

Mendoza Dirección de la Niñez, Adolescencia, Ancianidad, Discapacidad y Familia (0261) 428-4100 427-2000 Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Salud (0261) 429 - 2521 2553 F.A.V.I.M. Fundación de Familiares Víctimas Indefensas de Mendoza (0261) 420-4636

Misiones Ministerio de Bienestar Social, de la Mujer y de la Juventud (03752) 447-7256/57 Línea 102

Neuquén (0299) 442-2377

Río Cuarto Hospital Central 0358-4645955

Salta Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Familiar (0387) 431- 8075 8076

San Juan Violencia contra la Mujer (0264) 422 – 6711 Línea Rosa 0800 – 666 – 6531

Santiago del Estero Ministerio Acción Social (0385) 421 – 1880

San Rafael Consejo de la Mujer (02627) 422121 430268 Int. 348/352

Asociación en Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer (02627) 435753

Santa Fe Secretaría de Promoción Comunitaria (0342) 453-0026 453-4775 Linea Amarilla (0341) 449-7777 Departamento de la Mujer (0341) 480-2444

San Luis Dirección de Calidad de Vida (02652) 42 – 8481

Tierra del Fuego Ministerio de Salud y Acción Social Ushuaia 02901-421888 Int. 212-213

Tucumán Dirección de Minoridad, Familia Ancianos (0381) 431-0980

Departamento de Prevención y Asistencia de la Violencia Familiar (0381) 4302786

Comisaría de la Mujer (0381) 424 8069

Bahía Blanca "El Nido Centro de Prevención y Asistencia de la Violencia Familiar", de lunes a viernes, de 9:30 a 11:30 y de 16:30 a 18:30 hs. en Belgrano 53.

Teléfono de urgencia: 482-2222

Servicio de Asistencia y Prevención de Violencia Familiar y Maltrato Infantil de la Municipalidad de Bahía Blanca, de lunes a viernes de 14:00 a 19:00 horas en Chiclana 449. Teléfono 455-2131 y 0-800-222-4554.

Necochea COMISARIA DE LA MUJER calle 24 - 4242 ( 02262 ) 1547 4234

Mar del Plata Centro de Apoyo a la Mujer Larrea 3291, esquina Salta Teléfono: 02234720524.

COMISARÍA DE LA MUJER calle Independencia 2474 2do. piso TE 0223 4920019

Santa Fe Centro de Atención a la mujer Eva Peron 2726 tel 0342-4572694.

Córdoba Duarte Quirós 650 Teléfono 4298011) entre las 8 y las 20

Tucumán 4248000 oficina en tribunales Corrientes Comisaría de la Mujer y el Menor Catamarca 1455 .Te:0379-4432913. Atienden las 24 hs

La Pampa Servicio de violencia Familiar 02954 422766. Servicio de Violencia Fliar. Dirección de la Familia y el Menor Av Roca y Olascoaga (6300)(02954) 42-2766 (lunes a viernes 7 a 13.30 hs).

Santa Cruz Subsecretaría de la Mujer 02966 - 436811 GUARDIA: (02966) 15464122 02966 - 15644943

San Luis 02664 1574 1009

Lomas de Zamora DIRECCION GENERAL DE MINORIDAD Y FAMILIA Siritto y Molina Arrotea 4283-2507/2480 Lunes a Viernes 8 a 17hs

Témperley COMISARIA DE LA MUJER 25 de Mayo 348 Tel 4244‐1474

Almirante Brown *calle Andrade N° 98 Burzaco 4238-8555 (ATIENDE LAS 24 HS. LOS 7 DIAS DE LA SEMANA

San Martín Comisaría de la Mujer y La Familia Mitre 703 (011) 4512-6712

San Isidro JUNCAL 46 TE 4512-2343 Comisaría de la Mujer 4798-2822/3313 (lu a vier las 24 hs)



Malvinas Argentinas Dirección de desarrollo y política social: Sargento Baigorria 1460. Te (02320) 480793 L a V de 8 a 14 hs. Comisaria de la mujer: R8 y R197 (02320) 423193 L a S de 8 a 19 hs.

San Miguel Subsecretaría de asistencia a la violencia familiar 4455-4868 José C Paz Pte Perón 4751 Te (02320) 439911 L a V de 11 a 14 hs. pedir turno.

Chascomús Comisaría de la Mujer -tel: 42-2653 horarios: todos los días, las 24 hs. -dirección: Balcarce 249 Pilar 02322 - 669200 int 9331/9309 dnaf@pilar.gov.ar Lunes a Viernes de 8 a 15 h Atención familiar Lunes a viernes de 7 a 15 hs. en la calle Estanislao López 625

San Fernando Cordero 3491, Virreyes, San Fernando. Tel.: 4549-0909 Horarios de atención: miércoles de 15 a 18 hs.

Tigre Albarellos 563, Tigre. Tel.: 4512-4483 / 4485 Morón Mendoza 289, esquina

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

Posted via Blogaway from UnyDroid!
, , , , ,

Tel.de Ayuda a la Mujer Víctima Violencia. Favor difundirlos!

Por favor difundirlos, alguien puede necesitarlos en este momento. Gracias!

Fuente: Red Solidaria.

- 160 mujeres llaman cada día a algún servico de ayuda.

- Cada hora un llamado en la ciudad de BsAs, cada 2 horas un llamado en la Provincia y cada 3 en Rosario.

- Cada 3 días una mujer es asesinada en la Argentina (por su marido, novio, ex o amante)

TELÉFONOS: (Esperamos agregados, correciones y sugerencias)

Corte Suprema de la Nación 4370-4600 internos 4510 al 4513 (Lavalle y Talcahuano , ciudad de BsAs)

Ministerio de Justicia de La Nación Teléfono: 137 Es la línea del Programa Las Víctimas contra las Violencias del Ministerio de Justicia de la Nación.

Activa una Brigada Móvil que acude al domicilio y está integrada por una psicóloga, una trabajadora social y dos policías.

Ciudad de Buenos Aires 0800 666 8537 Dirección de la Mujer.

Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Funciona las 24 horas, todos los días del año.

Provincia de Buenos Aires: 911 ó 0800-555-0137.

Buenos Aires 911

Catamarca (03833) 437644

Chaco (03722) 452633

Chubut (02965) 481119 int. 235 / 205 / 242

Córdoba (0351) 4343456 al 59

Corrientes (03783) 475413

Entre Ríos (0343) 4208826

Formosa (03717) 436372

Jujuy (0388) 4235877 (0388) 4243606 / 4243962

La Pampa (02954) 428270

La Rioja (03822) 468480 / 453762

Misiones 102 (03752) 447228 / 38

Mendoza (0261) 4492102 al 08

Neuquén 0800-122-68537 (0299) 4480659 / 4483905

Río Negro (02920) 427894

Salta (0387) 4210434

San Juan (0264) 4222713

San Luis (02652) 451128 / 9

Santa Cruz (02966) 436811/ 31

Santa Fe (0341) 4721800

Santiago del Estero (0385) 4504448

Tierra del Fuego (02964) 444507

Tucumán (0381) 4844000 int. 374


Ciudad de La Plata Consejo Municipal de la Mujer (0221) 427 - 0393

Rosario Teléfono verde (7 a 24 horas) 0800 444 - 0420 480 - 2446

Comisaría de la Mujer 472 8523 Guardia 0800-4440909, 480-4787 o 480-4788

Tribunales de Rosario: Balcarce 1650, Tel. 4721700.

Centro de Orientación a la Víctima 0341 472 85 23.

Instituto de la Mujer 0341 480 29 47 - Días y horarios: Lunes a viernes de 9 a 15 hs.

Instituto de Género Tucumán 3950 Piso 1º Tel 341-4373961

Córdoba Programa de Violencia Familiar (0351) 434 - 2113

Unidad Judicial de la Mujer y el Niño (0351) 433 – 1484 433 - 1485 0800 – 555 – MUJER 68537 0800 – 555 - JUDICIAL 58342

Prevención y Asistencia a la Violencia Familiar 0351-4688542

Asistencia Integral a la Mujer Maltratada 0351-4210251

Asistencia a la Víctima del Delito y Violencia Familiar 0351 - 4341500 4341501

Ministerio de Justicia 4207179/4207185

Palacio de Tribunales - Fiscalía de turno 4225481

Llamada al 102 (se pueden hacer denuncias por violencia)

Centro de Comunicación Popular y Asesoramiento Legal 422-3528

Dirección de Servicios Judiciales 351-4229060 int. 2446

Violencia Familiar (Duarte Quirós 650, teléfono 4298011) entre las 8 y las 20;

Mar del Plata Secretaría de Desarrollo Social 0223 - 4996612 4996650 4996602

Centro de Apoyo a la Mujer Maltratada 0223-4720524

Bahía Blanca Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia 455-2131

San Carlos de Bariloche Grupo de Mujeres "Nehuen Malen" 02944 - 423937 430647

Catamarca Asistencia a la Víctima del Delito (03833) 43 - 7533

Corrientes Centro de Atención a Niños y Jóvenes Abusados (03783) 44 – 4182.

Chaco Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (03722) 44 – 0510. Línea 102

Chubut Puerto Madryn Casa de la Mujer 02965-453528

Río Gallegos Desafíos y Compromisos (ONG) 02966-438634 cel 02966-15553860

Entre Ríos Violencia Familiar (0343) 431 0702

Formosa Consejo del Menor y la Familia (03717) 42-8562 42-7133 42-6114

Gral. Roca Asociación Rionegrina de Prevención de la Violencia Familiar 02941 – 428342 430788

Jujuy (0388) 424-0068 422-7596

La Pampa Dirección de la Familia y el Menor (02954) 42 – 2766

Mendoza Dirección de la Niñez, Adolescencia, Ancianidad, Discapacidad y Familia (0261) 428-4100 427-2000 Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Salud (0261) 429 - 2521 2553 F.A.V.I.M. Fundación de Familiares Víctimas Indefensas de Mendoza (0261) 420-4636

Misiones Ministerio de Bienestar Social, de la Mujer y de la Juventud (03752) 447-7256/57 Línea 102

Neuquén (0299) 442-2377

Río Cuarto Hospital Central 0358-4645955

Salta Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Familiar (0387) 431- 8075 8076

San Juan Violencia contra la Mujer (0264) 422 – 6711 Línea Rosa 0800 – 666 – 6531

Santiago del Estero Ministerio Acción Social (0385) 421 – 1880

San Rafael Consejo de la Mujer (02627) 422121 430268 Int. 348/352

Asociación en Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer (02627) 435753

Santa Fe Secretaría de Promoción Comunitaria (0342) 453-0026 453-4775 Linea Amarilla (0341) 449-7777 Departamento de la Mujer (0341) 480-2444

San Luis Dirección de Calidad de Vida (02652) 42 – 8481

Tierra del Fuego Ministerio de Salud y Acción Social Ushuaia 02901-421888 Int. 212-213

Tucumán Dirección de Minoridad, Familia Ancianos (0381) 431-0980

Departamento de Prevención y Asistencia de la Violencia Familiar (0381) 4302786

Comisaría de la Mujer (0381) 424 8069

Bahía Blanca "El Nido Centro de Prevención y Asistencia de la Violencia Familiar", de lunes a viernes, de 9:30 a 11:30 y de 16:30 a 18:30 hs. en Belgrano 53.

Teléfono de urgencia: 482-2222

Servicio de Asistencia y Prevención de Violencia Familiar y Maltrato Infantil de la Municipalidad de Bahía Blanca, de lunes a viernes de 14:00 a 19:00 horas en Chiclana 449. Teléfono 455-2131 y 0-800-222-4554.

Necochea COMISARIA DE LA MUJER calle 24 - 4242 ( 02262 ) 1547 4234

Mar del Plata Centro de Apoyo a la Mujer Larrea 3291, esquina Salta Teléfono: 02234720524.

COMISARÍA DE LA MUJER calle Independencia 2474 2do. piso TE 0223 4920019

Santa Fe Centro de Atención a la mujer Eva Peron 2726 tel 0342-4572694.

Córdoba Duarte Quirós 650 Teléfono 4298011) entre las 8 y las 20

Tucumán 4248000 oficina en tribunales Corrientes Comisaría de la Mujer y el Menor Catamarca 1455 .Te:0379-4432913. Atienden las 24 hs

La Pampa Servicio de violencia Familiar 02954 422766. Servicio de Violencia Fliar. Dirección de la Familia y el Menor Av Roca y Olascoaga (6300)(02954) 42-2766 (lunes a viernes 7 a 13.30 hs).

Santa Cruz Subsecretaría de la Mujer 02966 - 436811 GUARDIA: (02966) 15464122 02966 - 15644943

San Luis 02664 1574 1009

Lomas de Zamora DIRECCION GENERAL DE MINORIDAD Y FAMILIA Siritto y Molina Arrotea 4283-2507/2480 Lunes a Viernes 8 a 17hs

Témperley COMISARIA DE LA MUJER 25 de Mayo 348 Tel 4244‐1474

Almirante Brown *calle Andrade N° 98 Burzaco 4238-8555 (ATIENDE LAS 24 HS. LOS 7 DIAS DE LA SEMANA

San Martín Comisaría de la Mujer y La Familia Mitre 703 (011) 4512-6712

San Isidro JUNCAL 46 TE 4512-2343 Comisaría de la Mujer 4798-2822/3313 (lu a vier las 24 hs)



Malvinas Argentinas Dirección de desarrollo y política social: Sargento Baigorria 1460. Te (02320) 480793 L a V de 8 a 14 hs. Comisaria de la mujer: R8 y R197 (02320) 423193 L a S de 8 a 19 hs.

San Miguel Subsecretaría de asistencia a la violencia familiar 4455-4868 José C Paz Pte Perón 4751 Te (02320) 439911 L a V de 11 a 14 hs. pedir turno.

Chascomús Comisaría de la Mujer -tel: 42-2653 horarios: todos los días, las 24 hs. -dirección: Balcarce 249 Pilar 02322 - 669200 int 9331/9309 dnaf@pilar.gov.ar Lunes a Viernes de 8 a 15 h Atención familiar Lunes a viernes de 7 a 15 hs. en la calle Estanislao López 625

San Fernando Cordero 3491, Virreyes, San Fernando. Tel.: 4549-0909 Horarios de atención: miércoles de 15 a 18 hs.

Tigre Albarellos 563, Tigre. Tel.: 4512-4483 / 4485 Morón Mendoza 289, esquina

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

Posted via Blogaway from UnyDroid!

26 de mayo de 2012

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Lyndsay and Fitzhugh's Summer Cottage in the City Green Tour from the Archives | Apartment Therapy


Starting with white as their canvas, Lyndsay and Fitzhugh gave reclaimed materials new life—creating a couch out of recycled ceiling beams, the fireplace sculpture from wood scraps—and mixed them effortlessly with more contemporary pieces. An Ikea sideboard sits next to an Indian daybed, and a 1920s cast iron kitchen sink lives in a custom stone countertop. "The old materials," Fitzhugh says, "help the new ones make sense."

Creating their home, as they tell it, was a treasure hunt, gleaning treasures from eBay, flea markets, and farms across the Northeast. When I visited, Fitzhugh had just driven down 12,000 pounds of fallen trees from an upstate golf course, all destined for a second life as furniture.

They laugh now looking back at their home's renovation ("We had no idea what we were doing!"), but they've fallen in love with the process. In addition to their independent projects, both design layouts for the Brooklyn Home Company, started by Lyndsay's brother.

Re-Nest Survey:

Our style: It's all about creating a departure. We both grew up in the country and we designed the house to be an escape from the city. We designed the layout based on our needs, how we lived and what we had. Our design philosophy involves playing with the balance between new and old. We mix architectural elements that were created 100 years ago with furniture we make, natural elements and modern designs.

Inspiration: We love classically Scandinavian simplicity, particularly old summer cottages. Materials are a huge inspiration. Whether it be an old salvaged chunk of wood or a stack of white linens, materials are often what drive the vision for a space and sometimes stumbling across an object will send us in a new direction on a particular project. We also use light a lot of as a medium and we always try to move light into all corners of a project using the layouts, glass panels and whites.

Favorite Element: The 1920's American Standard cast iron kitchen sink. Lyndsay found it on eBay and then we had to spend a day going to get it. Of all the sinks you can buy today there is still nothing better than this old sink. We also love the barn door that leads to the bathroom. It used to be the door to the sheep barn on the farm where Fitzhugh grew up in New Hampshire.

Biggest Challenge: The most difficult part of this house project was that, at the time, it was the biggest construction project we'd ever been involved with. There was no way for us to have known what we had taken on (or what it would lead to) and becoming comfortable with the process was a learning experience. There were many physical issues we encountered with the house - too many to count. Our persistence in making all the details just right was what ended up winning out in the end. That continues to be one of the keys to success in architectural design. In the end, problems that arise become opportunities to do something different or better.

What Friends Say: Perhaps a secondary goal with the house was creating a gathering space. This is a house for friends and family to gather. We cook and entertain a lot. I guess they must like the place because they keep coming back.

Proudest DIY: Our dining room table that we built together was a great project. Finding the kitchen sink in Massachusetts was exciting. But maybe building the garden. We diverted our attention to the garden for a while. We used the old bricks from the back of the house to build a retaining wall and planting beds and used bluestone window sills from the back of the house to top them off. The two of us transported 25,000 pounds of soil, stone and mulch one bag at a time through the house to the garden. It was a labor of love.

Biggest Indulgence: Linens.

Best Advice: Take risks. Trust your emotions. Don't be afraid of doing something that seems bigger than you're used to. Doing a project like this forces you to overcome challenges, know what you want and go with the flow.

Dream Source: The barn.

Green Elements/Initiatives: Lots of reclaimed wood and stone: all the furniture we made and as much of the building materials was possible. Salvaged lighting [in the kitchen the lighting was from an Indian ship]. Salvaged Appliances [American Standard cast iron kitchen sink]. Salvaged furniture [Indian daybed and downstairs the couch was made from reclaimed ceiling beams].


Appliances: Subzero fridge. Capital range. Bosch dishwasher.

Furniture: We make as much as possible. We made the dining table. Lyndsay made the mahogany shelves downstairs. Fitzhugh made the Island top, the stools, the bed, stairs, coffee table, bedroom storage, outdoor table the couch downstairs, captain's bed, desktop. We have a sideboard from Ikea, dressers from Brocade Home. The library ladder is from Alaco Ladder. Leather chairs from American Leather. White and wood chair downstairs and the large mirror in the bedroom are from The Wendell Castle Collection.

Accessories: All over! Iron spheres and pick axe heads from mines in Colorado and Chile. Books! Artwork, made by Fitzhugh and Lyndsay or by friends. Collections that have grown overtime from travels. Playing around with the "art of display" is like playing a game and the collections move around and change frequently.

Lighting: We have salvaged lighting (Indian cage lights in kitchen), a floor lamp from Chris Lehrecke, Ikea lights, Circa lighting picture lights in the bathroom. Jonathan Adler lamps. Shades of light for the smaller lights.

Rugs and Carpets: A few hardwearing rugs in the downstairs hallway from the Scandinavian Design Center. Crate and Barrel Sisal rugs.

Tiles and Stone: We used Ann Sacks limestone in the master bath. Subway tile in the shower. Downstairs we used white Carrara marble in the bathroom. Our counterops are Pietra Cardosa, a soft gray stone that wears wonderfully.

Window Treatments: We made the curtains in the bedroom and used Restoration Hardware curtain rods.

Beds: Fitzhugh made the bed upstairs from a Beech tree that fell in upstate New York, Finger Lakes region where Lyndsay is from. Lyndsay designed the loft bed above the kitchen [which was the original guest room, but when you live in New York it was quickly discovered you have folks staying over all the time] so Lyndsay designed the "Captains Quarters" bedroom downstairs which Fitzhugh built and installed, and the downstairs couch is made up of two mattresses for sleepover guests.

Artwork: The artwork in the bedroom is by Elliotte Puckette and Grace Slick. The print in the bathroom is by Hugo Guiness. There are a number of works from friends, family and teachers. Fitzhugh made the white sculpture above the fireplace. We make frames for maps and objects that we find as well.

Paint: We used a lot of Benjamin Moore Super White. On the floors we used a Benjamin Moore floor paint ("lots of coats").

(Thanks, Lindsay and Fitzhugh!)

Interested in sharing your home with Re-Nest? Contact our editors through our Green Tour Submission Form.

(Images: Liz Vidyarthi. Originally published 2010-12-15)

, , ,

Lyndsay and Fitzhugh's Summer Cottage in the City Green Tour from the Archives | Apartment Therapy


Starting with white as their canvas, Lyndsay and Fitzhugh gave reclaimed materials new life—creating a couch out of recycled ceiling beams, the fireplace sculpture from wood scraps—and mixed them effortlessly with more contemporary pieces. An Ikea sideboard sits next to an Indian daybed, and a 1920s cast iron kitchen sink lives in a custom stone countertop. "The old materials," Fitzhugh says, "help the new ones make sense."

Creating their home, as they tell it, was a treasure hunt, gleaning treasures from eBay, flea markets, and farms across the Northeast. When I visited, Fitzhugh had just driven down 12,000 pounds of fallen trees from an upstate golf course, all destined for a second life as furniture.

They laugh now looking back at their home's renovation ("We had no idea what we were doing!"), but they've fallen in love with the process. In addition to their independent projects, both design layouts for the Brooklyn Home Company, started by Lyndsay's brother.

Re-Nest Survey:

Our style: It's all about creating a departure. We both grew up in the country and we designed the house to be an escape from the city. We designed the layout based on our needs, how we lived and what we had. Our design philosophy involves playing with the balance between new and old. We mix architectural elements that were created 100 years ago with furniture we make, natural elements and modern designs.

Inspiration: We love classically Scandinavian simplicity, particularly old summer cottages. Materials are a huge inspiration. Whether it be an old salvaged chunk of wood or a stack of white linens, materials are often what drive the vision for a space and sometimes stumbling across an object will send us in a new direction on a particular project. We also use light a lot of as a medium and we always try to move light into all corners of a project using the layouts, glass panels and whites.

Favorite Element: The 1920's American Standard cast iron kitchen sink. Lyndsay found it on eBay and then we had to spend a day going to get it. Of all the sinks you can buy today there is still nothing better than this old sink. We also love the barn door that leads to the bathroom. It used to be the door to the sheep barn on the farm where Fitzhugh grew up in New Hampshire.

Biggest Challenge: The most difficult part of this house project was that, at the time, it was the biggest construction project we'd ever been involved with. There was no way for us to have known what we had taken on (or what it would lead to) and becoming comfortable with the process was a learning experience. There were many physical issues we encountered with the house - too many to count. Our persistence in making all the details just right was what ended up winning out in the end. That continues to be one of the keys to success in architectural design. In the end, problems that arise become opportunities to do something different or better.

What Friends Say: Perhaps a secondary goal with the house was creating a gathering space. This is a house for friends and family to gather. We cook and entertain a lot. I guess they must like the place because they keep coming back.

Proudest DIY: Our dining room table that we built together was a great project. Finding the kitchen sink in Massachusetts was exciting. But maybe building the garden. We diverted our attention to the garden for a while. We used the old bricks from the back of the house to build a retaining wall and planting beds and used bluestone window sills from the back of the house to top them off. The two of us transported 25,000 pounds of soil, stone and mulch one bag at a time through the house to the garden. It was a labor of love.

Biggest Indulgence: Linens.

Best Advice: Take risks. Trust your emotions. Don't be afraid of doing something that seems bigger than you're used to. Doing a project like this forces you to overcome challenges, know what you want and go with the flow.

Dream Source: The barn.

Green Elements/Initiatives: Lots of reclaimed wood and stone: all the furniture we made and as much of the building materials was possible. Salvaged lighting [in the kitchen the lighting was from an Indian ship]. Salvaged Appliances [American Standard cast iron kitchen sink]. Salvaged furniture [Indian daybed and downstairs the couch was made from reclaimed ceiling beams].


Appliances: Subzero fridge. Capital range. Bosch dishwasher.

Furniture: We make as much as possible. We made the dining table. Lyndsay made the mahogany shelves downstairs. Fitzhugh made the Island top, the stools, the bed, stairs, coffee table, bedroom storage, outdoor table the couch downstairs, captain's bed, desktop. We have a sideboard from Ikea, dressers from Brocade Home. The library ladder is from Alaco Ladder. Leather chairs from American Leather. White and wood chair downstairs and the large mirror in the bedroom are from The Wendell Castle Collection.

Accessories: All over! Iron spheres and pick axe heads from mines in Colorado and Chile. Books! Artwork, made by Fitzhugh and Lyndsay or by friends. Collections that have grown overtime from travels. Playing around with the "art of display" is like playing a game and the collections move around and change frequently.

Lighting: We have salvaged lighting (Indian cage lights in kitchen), a floor lamp from Chris Lehrecke, Ikea lights, Circa lighting picture lights in the bathroom. Jonathan Adler lamps. Shades of light for the smaller lights.

Rugs and Carpets: A few hardwearing rugs in the downstairs hallway from the Scandinavian Design Center. Crate and Barrel Sisal rugs.

Tiles and Stone: We used Ann Sacks limestone in the master bath. Subway tile in the shower. Downstairs we used white Carrara marble in the bathroom. Our counterops are Pietra Cardosa, a soft gray stone that wears wonderfully.

Window Treatments: We made the curtains in the bedroom and used Restoration Hardware curtain rods.

Beds: Fitzhugh made the bed upstairs from a Beech tree that fell in upstate New York, Finger Lakes region where Lyndsay is from. Lyndsay designed the loft bed above the kitchen [which was the original guest room, but when you live in New York it was quickly discovered you have folks staying over all the time] so Lyndsay designed the "Captains Quarters" bedroom downstairs which Fitzhugh built and installed, and the downstairs couch is made up of two mattresses for sleepover guests.

Artwork: The artwork in the bedroom is by Elliotte Puckette and Grace Slick. The print in the bathroom is by Hugo Guiness. There are a number of works from friends, family and teachers. Fitzhugh made the white sculpture above the fireplace. We make frames for maps and objects that we find as well.

Paint: We used a lot of Benjamin Moore Super White. On the floors we used a Benjamin Moore floor paint ("lots of coats").

(Thanks, Lindsay and Fitzhugh!)

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(Images: Liz Vidyarthi. Originally published 2010-12-15)

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Brooklyn Brownstone Balances Between New And Old | Interior Design, Architecture & Interior Decorating | iDesignArch

Brooklyn Brownstone Balances Between New And Old

Designers Lyndsay Caleo and Fitzhugh Karol took an old brownstone in Brooklyn, New York and transformed it into a modern urban sanctuary. Some architectural elements were preserved and blended with modern design philosophy. Mixing the new with the old is key to creating a relaxed, traditional home in the middle of the city.

Images: The Selby

Mi casa soñada!

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Brooklyn Brownstone Balances Between New And Old | Interior Design, Architecture & Interior Decorating | iDesignArch

Brooklyn Brownstone Balances Between New And Old

Designers Lyndsay Caleo and Fitzhugh Karol took an old brownstone in Brooklyn, New York and transformed it into a modern urban sanctuary. Some architectural elements were preserved and blended with modern design philosophy. Mixing the new with the old is key to creating a relaxed, traditional home in the middle of the city.

Images: The Selby

Mi casa soñada!
