22 de agosto de 2009

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Ramadán – Conoce lo básico

Sabiendo que todo se basa en una INTENCION, por qué no nos proponemos ser un poco mejores para nosotros mismos y quienes nos rodean, de cerca o lejos?

Por que no intentamos un pequeño, pequeñísimo buen acto cada día?

Cuesta tan poco un “gracias”, un “por favor", una sonrisa, una palabra y tono amables… Y seguro que nadie piensa que a veces la sonrisa o el buen trato de un extraño puede hacer que nos sintamos menos mal, o aún mejor. Por contrario cuando recibimos al otro con malas actitudes, eso puede hacer que nuestro humor se torne como lo que recibimos, y así somos uno mas en una interminable cadena de caras amargas y actitudes hostiles.


Creo que no pido demasiado, Todos podemos hacerlo!

Gracias en nombre de todos!,


Según Wikipedia en Español:

Ramadán (en árabe رَمَضَان ramadán) es el noveno mes del calendario musulmán, conocido internacionalmente por ser el mes en el que los musulmanes realizan un ayuno diario desde el alba hasta que se pone el sol. La palabra ramadán se suele usar en castellano para designar dicho ayuno, cuyo nombre en árabe es ṣawm (صَوْم).

Definición: El ayuno es la abstinencia total de todo aquello que rompe la meditación (bien sea comida o bebida o relaciones sexuales) desde el alba hasta la puesta del sol. El ayuno del mes de ramadán es obligatorio a todos los musulmanes adultos, sanos y con juicio, tanto hombres como mujeres.


¿Cuándo empieza? El ayuno empieza con la aparición de la luna a finales del sha'ban (octavo mes en el calendario lunar islámico). Dice el Profeta (PB): "Ayunad a su visión (ver la luna) y romped a su visión y si se os es oculta (la luna por causa atmosférica) concluid el mes de ramadán contando treinta días. Igualmente al comienzo del mes de Ramadán se contarán treinta días de sha'ban si no es visible el nacimiento de la luna".

Los pilares del ayuno en el Islam, así en ramadán como en otros meses, son los siguientes:

  • 1) la abstinencia de todo aquello que rompa el ayuno: bebida, comida o relaciones carnales, desde el alba hasta la puesta del sol.
  • 2) tener presente la intención. Se debe tenerla presente en la mente y en el corazón, sin necesidad de decir nada con la lengua (de pronunciar algo concreto), tiene que ser antes del fayr (inicio del tiempo de la primera oración del día) y puede ser dicha diariamente, o por todo el mes desde su inicio.
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Ramadán – Conoce lo básico

Sabiendo que todo se basa en una INTENCION, por qué no nos proponemos ser un poco mejores para nosotros mismos y quienes nos rodean, de cerca o lejos?

Por que no intentamos un pequeño, pequeñísimo buen acto cada día?

Cuesta tan poco un “gracias”, un “por favor", una sonrisa, una palabra y tono amables… Y seguro que nadie piensa que a veces la sonrisa o el buen trato de un extraño puede hacer que nos sintamos menos mal, o aún mejor. Por contrario cuando recibimos al otro con malas actitudes, eso puede hacer que nuestro humor se torne como lo que recibimos, y así somos uno mas en una interminable cadena de caras amargas y actitudes hostiles.


Creo que no pido demasiado, Todos podemos hacerlo!

Gracias en nombre de todos!,


Según Wikipedia en Español:

Ramadán (en árabe رَمَضَان ramadán) es el noveno mes del calendario musulmán, conocido internacionalmente por ser el mes en el que los musulmanes realizan un ayuno diario desde el alba hasta que se pone el sol. La palabra ramadán se suele usar en castellano para designar dicho ayuno, cuyo nombre en árabe es ṣawm (صَوْم).

Definición: El ayuno es la abstinencia total de todo aquello que rompe la meditación (bien sea comida o bebida o relaciones sexuales) desde el alba hasta la puesta del sol. El ayuno del mes de ramadán es obligatorio a todos los musulmanes adultos, sanos y con juicio, tanto hombres como mujeres.


¿Cuándo empieza? El ayuno empieza con la aparición de la luna a finales del sha'ban (octavo mes en el calendario lunar islámico). Dice el Profeta (PB): "Ayunad a su visión (ver la luna) y romped a su visión y si se os es oculta (la luna por causa atmosférica) concluid el mes de ramadán contando treinta días. Igualmente al comienzo del mes de Ramadán se contarán treinta días de sha'ban si no es visible el nacimiento de la luna".

Los pilares del ayuno en el Islam, así en ramadán como en otros meses, son los siguientes:

  • 1) la abstinencia de todo aquello que rompa el ayuno: bebida, comida o relaciones carnales, desde el alba hasta la puesta del sol.
  • 2) tener presente la intención. Se debe tenerla presente en la mente y en el corazón, sin necesidad de decir nada con la lengua (de pronunciar algo concreto), tiene que ser antes del fayr (inicio del tiempo de la primera oración del día) y puede ser dicha diariamente, o por todo el mes desde su inicio.
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Los olores y los colores del ramadán

Por itxa - Actualizado 22-08-2009 17:08 CET

ALEJANDRÍA (EGIPTO).- Hoy da comienzo el ramadán. Durante un mes, musulmanes de todo el mundo se darán al ayuno, a la purificación y a una de las fiestas más importantes y espectaculares. Si bien, en España, muchos de los musulmanes inmigrados tendrán que hacerlo lejos de sus familias.

Nunca te acostumbras.

Andando por la calle llegas a sentir realmente el ramadán. No importa si eres musulmán o no. Yo no lo soy, y lo siento.

Sientes cómo la gente, empezando por los vecinos, te miran sonrientes mientras llenan el ascensor de dátiles, almendras y pasas. El olor de la carne y las especias recién compradas se apodera del pasillo de tu casa.

Hamdy, el portero del edificio, está contento. Es como un niño con zapatos nuevos. Parece que ya no está enfurruñado por haberle dado un par de reprimendas ayer, no tener agua ni luz durante horas todos los santos días es algo muy pesado.

 Shufi? Te dice que mires mientras se sube a una escalera y le da al interruptor que da vida a la lamparita de ramadán, el fanus, que cuelga en el patio y las pequeñas lucecitas de colores que hacen que el papel de fiesta que pende del techo también parezca que luzca.

Todo luce. Bajan mis vecinas del piso de arriba. Tres mujeres nubias que, por primera vez desde que las conozco llevan vestidos y velos de colores.

Ellas también lucen.

Ta’ali ma’na, ta’li. “Ven con nosotras, ven…”. Les digo que no, que es imposible, acabo de llegar de pasar horas comprando algo de comer, como de costumbre. Pero, saliendo de la monotonía, esta vez he tardado más de una hora porque la tienda estaba atiborrada de gente. Además, habían cambiado todo de lugar para cubrir todas estanterías de dátiles y frutos secos.

Mientras subo, pienso en la deliciosa subbia que está por llegar. La subbia es un brebaje hecho con polvos de coco con el que muchos rompen el ayuno. Ya casi me he olvidado de su sabor, sólo recuerdo que me encantaba… Es que nunca te acostumbras.

Hoy en Egipto todo empieza. Empieza la paz y la serenidad de las calles durante las horas del día. Después, a eso de las 6.30 o 7 de la tarde, empezará el bullicio, la alegría, los colores y los olores… Y todo lucirá.

La pasada tarde fue especial ver las caras de aquellos que observaban por primera vez la oración de las 9 de la noche de estas fechas. En Alejandría, la mezquita de Ibrahim acoge todos los años a un famoso sheij que viene de El Cairo expresamente para dirigir este salat (o rezo). Durante una hora el sheij recita el Corán, y tendrá que completarlo en los días de ramadán, hasta completar el ciclo de la luna.

Para los que vivimos aquí ‘a nuestra manera’, todo se verá afectado. Si quieres comprar, tendrás que hacerlo antes de que llegue el atardecer. Luego de esto, todo cerrará y tendrás que esperar a las 8, por lo menos. Si bien contarás con muchas más horas de vida comercial. A las 3 de la mañana parece que son las diez de la noche.

Tomar una caña será complicado. Todos los bares están cerrados, también las tiendas Drinkies que venden alcohol. Los coptos, si deciden aceptar el riesgo ‘legal’, puede que te lo vendan de manera muy escondida. De todas formas, ningún egipcio puede fumar, comer o beber en la calle durante las horas del ayuno.  Para los extranjeros es otro cantar, aunque se pide discreción.

Son casi las doce de la mañana, dentro de tres horas la mayoría de la gente pondrá fin a su jornada laboral, que se ve modificada por el horario de ramadán. Llegarán a sus casas, rezarán y se relajarán hasta la hora del Iftar, es decir, del des-ayuno; desayuno porque esta es su primera comida (y bebida) del día. La última: a las 5 de la madrugada, antes de que salga de nuevo el sol.

Para los musulmanes inmigrados a España pienso yo que tiene que ser difícil pasar el ramadán lejos de su país. Es como pasar las navidades fuera, sin disfrutar del calor de tu hogar. Es más, como disfrutar de las navidades sin frío, sin turrón, sin villancicos… Sin luz.

A ellos me gustaría dedicarles lo que he escrito y, por supuesto, me gustaría desearles...

¡¡Feliz ramadán!!

Fuente: Soitu.es - Ramadan 2009

UNYKA Etiquetas de : , , , ,

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Los olores y los colores del ramadán

Por itxa - Actualizado 22-08-2009 17:08 CET

ALEJANDRÍA (EGIPTO).- Hoy da comienzo el ramadán. Durante un mes, musulmanes de todo el mundo se darán al ayuno, a la purificación y a una de las fiestas más importantes y espectaculares. Si bien, en España, muchos de los musulmanes inmigrados tendrán que hacerlo lejos de sus familias.

Nunca te acostumbras.

Andando por la calle llegas a sentir realmente el ramadán. No importa si eres musulmán o no. Yo no lo soy, y lo siento.

Sientes cómo la gente, empezando por los vecinos, te miran sonrientes mientras llenan el ascensor de dátiles, almendras y pasas. El olor de la carne y las especias recién compradas se apodera del pasillo de tu casa.

Hamdy, el portero del edificio, está contento. Es como un niño con zapatos nuevos. Parece que ya no está enfurruñado por haberle dado un par de reprimendas ayer, no tener agua ni luz durante horas todos los santos días es algo muy pesado.

 Shufi? Te dice que mires mientras se sube a una escalera y le da al interruptor que da vida a la lamparita de ramadán, el fanus, que cuelga en el patio y las pequeñas lucecitas de colores que hacen que el papel de fiesta que pende del techo también parezca que luzca.

Todo luce. Bajan mis vecinas del piso de arriba. Tres mujeres nubias que, por primera vez desde que las conozco llevan vestidos y velos de colores.

Ellas también lucen.

Ta’ali ma’na, ta’li. “Ven con nosotras, ven…”. Les digo que no, que es imposible, acabo de llegar de pasar horas comprando algo de comer, como de costumbre. Pero, saliendo de la monotonía, esta vez he tardado más de una hora porque la tienda estaba atiborrada de gente. Además, habían cambiado todo de lugar para cubrir todas estanterías de dátiles y frutos secos.

Mientras subo, pienso en la deliciosa subbia que está por llegar. La subbia es un brebaje hecho con polvos de coco con el que muchos rompen el ayuno. Ya casi me he olvidado de su sabor, sólo recuerdo que me encantaba… Es que nunca te acostumbras.

Hoy en Egipto todo empieza. Empieza la paz y la serenidad de las calles durante las horas del día. Después, a eso de las 6.30 o 7 de la tarde, empezará el bullicio, la alegría, los colores y los olores… Y todo lucirá.

La pasada tarde fue especial ver las caras de aquellos que observaban por primera vez la oración de las 9 de la noche de estas fechas. En Alejandría, la mezquita de Ibrahim acoge todos los años a un famoso sheij que viene de El Cairo expresamente para dirigir este salat (o rezo). Durante una hora el sheij recita el Corán, y tendrá que completarlo en los días de ramadán, hasta completar el ciclo de la luna.

Para los que vivimos aquí ‘a nuestra manera’, todo se verá afectado. Si quieres comprar, tendrás que hacerlo antes de que llegue el atardecer. Luego de esto, todo cerrará y tendrás que esperar a las 8, por lo menos. Si bien contarás con muchas más horas de vida comercial. A las 3 de la mañana parece que son las diez de la noche.

Tomar una caña será complicado. Todos los bares están cerrados, también las tiendas Drinkies que venden alcohol. Los coptos, si deciden aceptar el riesgo ‘legal’, puede que te lo vendan de manera muy escondida. De todas formas, ningún egipcio puede fumar, comer o beber en la calle durante las horas del ayuno.  Para los extranjeros es otro cantar, aunque se pide discreción.

Son casi las doce de la mañana, dentro de tres horas la mayoría de la gente pondrá fin a su jornada laboral, que se ve modificada por el horario de ramadán. Llegarán a sus casas, rezarán y se relajarán hasta la hora del Iftar, es decir, del des-ayuno; desayuno porque esta es su primera comida (y bebida) del día. La última: a las 5 de la madrugada, antes de que salga de nuevo el sol.

Para los musulmanes inmigrados a España pienso yo que tiene que ser difícil pasar el ramadán lejos de su país. Es como pasar las navidades fuera, sin disfrutar del calor de tu hogar. Es más, como disfrutar de las navidades sin frío, sin turrón, sin villancicos… Sin luz.

A ellos me gustaría dedicarles lo que he escrito y, por supuesto, me gustaría desearles...

¡¡Feliz ramadán!!

Fuente: Soitu.es - Ramadan 2009

UNYKA Etiquetas de : , , , ,


12 de agosto de 2009

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Langostinos Picantes

Durante todo agosto les estaremos mostrando algunas de las ricas recetas del libro “Cocina informal para amigos”, de la colección Rico y Fácil (editorial V&R). Platos vistosos, modernos y fáciles de hacer.

Comencemos el ciclo de recetas, con unos increíbles langostinos de aires orientales. Un plato para lucirse, y elaborar frente a tus amigos, en muy pocos minutos. Un tip: se lleva muy bien con mojitos, caipis frutales o un Martini bien seco.



Esta receta proviene del libro Cocina informal para amigos, de la editorial V&R. Es parte de la colección Rico y Fácil, dirigida por Trini Vergara y con recetas elaboradas por la chef Pía Fendrik. Un lujo para ofrecer a los amigos en ocasiones especiales. Puede ser una picada, acompañada de otras tapas, o una finísima entrada antes de unas pastas con vegetales.

Ingredientes: Se calculan entre 5 o 6 langostinos por personas - Rinde para 12 personas
800 g de langostinos
jugo de 2 limas*
gotas de salsa tabasco
1 puñado de hojas de perejil enteras
2 cdas. de coco rallado
2 cdas. de aceite de oliva
3 cdas. de mantequilla/manteca
3 cdas. de perejil, picado
sal y pimienta
* Puede utilizarse jugo de un limón.

Macerar los langostinos con el jugo de lima, la salsa tabasco, las hojas de perejil, la sal y pimienta, durante 2 horas en el refrigerador.
Tostar ligeramente el coco en una sartén, hasta que empiece a cambiar de color –no se debe descuidar, ya que se quema muy fácilmente.
Retirar los langostinos de la marinada y reservar. Luego, calentar una sartén con el aceite de oliva y la mantequilla. Dorar los langostinos de ambos lados. A último momento, espolvorear con el perejil picado. Servir los langostinos dentro de conchas de vieiras o bien en cazuelitas o platitos de té, y decorar con el coco tostado y hojas de perejil.

Fuente: GlamOut

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Langostinos Picantes

Durante todo agosto les estaremos mostrando algunas de las ricas recetas del libro “Cocina informal para amigos”, de la colección Rico y Fácil (editorial V&R). Platos vistosos, modernos y fáciles de hacer.

Comencemos el ciclo de recetas, con unos increíbles langostinos de aires orientales. Un plato para lucirse, y elaborar frente a tus amigos, en muy pocos minutos. Un tip: se lleva muy bien con mojitos, caipis frutales o un Martini bien seco.



Esta receta proviene del libro Cocina informal para amigos, de la editorial V&R. Es parte de la colección Rico y Fácil, dirigida por Trini Vergara y con recetas elaboradas por la chef Pía Fendrik. Un lujo para ofrecer a los amigos en ocasiones especiales. Puede ser una picada, acompañada de otras tapas, o una finísima entrada antes de unas pastas con vegetales.

Ingredientes: Se calculan entre 5 o 6 langostinos por personas - Rinde para 12 personas
800 g de langostinos
jugo de 2 limas*
gotas de salsa tabasco
1 puñado de hojas de perejil enteras
2 cdas. de coco rallado
2 cdas. de aceite de oliva
3 cdas. de mantequilla/manteca
3 cdas. de perejil, picado
sal y pimienta
* Puede utilizarse jugo de un limón.

Macerar los langostinos con el jugo de lima, la salsa tabasco, las hojas de perejil, la sal y pimienta, durante 2 horas en el refrigerador.
Tostar ligeramente el coco en una sartén, hasta que empiece a cambiar de color –no se debe descuidar, ya que se quema muy fácilmente.
Retirar los langostinos de la marinada y reservar. Luego, calentar una sartén con el aceite de oliva y la mantequilla. Dorar los langostinos de ambos lados. A último momento, espolvorear con el perejil picado. Servir los langostinos dentro de conchas de vieiras o bien en cazuelitas o platitos de té, y decorar con el coco tostado y hojas de perejil.

Fuente: GlamOut


11 de agosto de 2009

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Aquí viene la Par-tay decoración - Here comes the par-tay decor

Here are 5 decor ideas created for weddings that you should steal immediately, if not sooner, for your next in-home celebration... for your upcoming birthday party or baby-shower:

Aquí están a 5 ideas decoración creada para bodas que debe robar inmediatamente, si no antes, para su próxima fiesta en casa ...para su próxima fiesta de cumpleaños o baby-shower

1. paper tissue balls stapled together create an interesting backdrop or an exciting entrance to a soiree. via martha stewart .

1. esferas de papel tisú junto con grapas crear un interesante telón de fondo o una entrada de una emocionante velada. a través de Martha Stewart.

2. give those kiddos an easy grab at the candy by creating a lollipop tree . via martha stewart from the {amazing!} wedding of st. louis stationary designer, cheree berry

2. dar a los niños un fácil agarre en la creación de un caramelo por lollipop árbol. Martha Stewart a través de la asombrosa (!) boda de primera. louis diseñador, cheree berry

for your next brunch: para su próximo almuerzo:

3. a centerpiece to perk your table up! una pieza central para beneficio de su mesa! carnations "planted" in coffee beans is the perfect centerpiece for a brunch or "sip and see" baby shower. via the knot.

3. claveles "plantados" en los granos de café es el centro perfecto para un brunch o "saborear y ver" baby shower. a través del nudo.

4. turning your home into party central can sometimes seem daunting. if the party is happening in your living room do something unexpected like tying a bouquet of flowers to your curtains! via the knot.

4. convirtiendo su hogar en la parte central a veces puede parecer abrumadora; reducir su atención a una habitación para hacer la mayoría de su decoración. si la parte que está sucediendo en su sala de hacer algo inesperado como atar un ramo de flores a su cortinas! via the knot.

for your next dinner party: para su próxima cena:

5. impact is created by repetition. i love lining my front porch steps in candles for an evening gathering. if you've got firm stairs (and no children/pets at the party) make a statement by filling tall cylinders with water, floating candles and flowers. via the knot.

5. el impacto ha sido creada por la repetición. amo revestir los escalones de mi porche delantero con velas para una tarde de encuentro. si tienes escaleras es firme (y no hay niños y mascotas mascotas pequeños en la fiesta) exponga velas llenando las envases/botellas de alto cilindricas con agua, y velas flotantes y flores. via the knot.



Fuente: Head of the Table Blog

UNYKA Etiquetas de : , ,
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Aquí viene la Par-tay decoración - Here comes the par-tay decor

Here are 5 decor ideas created for weddings that you should steal immediately, if not sooner, for your next in-home celebration... for your upcoming birthday party or baby-shower:

Aquí están a 5 ideas decoración creada para bodas que debe robar inmediatamente, si no antes, para su próxima fiesta en casa ...para su próxima fiesta de cumpleaños o baby-shower

1. paper tissue balls stapled together create an interesting backdrop or an exciting entrance to a soiree. via martha stewart .

1. esferas de papel tisú junto con grapas crear un interesante telón de fondo o una entrada de una emocionante velada. a través de Martha Stewart.

2. give those kiddos an easy grab at the candy by creating a lollipop tree . via martha stewart from the {amazing!} wedding of st. louis stationary designer, cheree berry

2. dar a los niños un fácil agarre en la creación de un caramelo por lollipop árbol. Martha Stewart a través de la asombrosa (!) boda de primera. louis diseñador, cheree berry

for your next brunch: para su próximo almuerzo:

3. a centerpiece to perk your table up! una pieza central para beneficio de su mesa! carnations "planted" in coffee beans is the perfect centerpiece for a brunch or "sip and see" baby shower. via the knot.

3. claveles "plantados" en los granos de café es el centro perfecto para un brunch o "saborear y ver" baby shower. a través del nudo.

4. turning your home into party central can sometimes seem daunting. if the party is happening in your living room do something unexpected like tying a bouquet of flowers to your curtains! via the knot.

4. convirtiendo su hogar en la parte central a veces puede parecer abrumadora; reducir su atención a una habitación para hacer la mayoría de su decoración. si la parte que está sucediendo en su sala de hacer algo inesperado como atar un ramo de flores a su cortinas! via the knot.

for your next dinner party: para su próxima cena:

5. impact is created by repetition. i love lining my front porch steps in candles for an evening gathering. if you've got firm stairs (and no children/pets at the party) make a statement by filling tall cylinders with water, floating candles and flowers. via the knot.

5. el impacto ha sido creada por la repetición. amo revestir los escalones de mi porche delantero con velas para una tarde de encuentro. si tienes escaleras es firme (y no hay niños y mascotas mascotas pequeños en la fiesta) exponga velas llenando las envases/botellas de alto cilindricas con agua, y velas flotantes y flores. via the knot.



Fuente: Head of the Table Blog

UNYKA Etiquetas de : , ,
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Sombrillas para decorar el exterior

Decora tu patio con sombrillas


Esa es la idea que os planteamos hoy para decorar vuestro jardín o terraza de la forma más original posible, la que veis en la imagen: aprovechar la estructura de las sombrillas para utilizarlas como macetero, suspendiendo en ellas vuestros centros de mesa y plantas.

Me gusta mucho, pero no la puedo llevar a cabo porque mi pérgola es muy baja, sin embargo la idea de utilizar sombrillas para decorar el exterior en estos meses de verano me parece bastante atractiva aunque no pendan del techo, entre las macetas o en una esquina también pueden quedar muy bien.

He estado buscando en ebay y he encontrado muchos modelos pensados específicamente para decoración, así que además la idea puede salir bastante económica. Eso sí, siempre para exterior, que ya sabéis que abrirlos en casa puede traer mala suerte.


Fuente: Decoesfera

UNYKA Etiquetas de : , , , ,
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Sombrillas para decorar el exterior

Decora tu patio con sombrillas


Esa es la idea que os planteamos hoy para decorar vuestro jardín o terraza de la forma más original posible, la que veis en la imagen: aprovechar la estructura de las sombrillas para utilizarlas como macetero, suspendiendo en ellas vuestros centros de mesa y plantas.

Me gusta mucho, pero no la puedo llevar a cabo porque mi pérgola es muy baja, sin embargo la idea de utilizar sombrillas para decorar el exterior en estos meses de verano me parece bastante atractiva aunque no pendan del techo, entre las macetas o en una esquina también pueden quedar muy bien.

He estado buscando en ebay y he encontrado muchos modelos pensados específicamente para decoración, así que además la idea puede salir bastante económica. Eso sí, siempre para exterior, que ya sabéis que abrirlos en casa puede traer mala suerte.


Fuente: Decoesfera

UNYKA Etiquetas de : , , , ,

7 de agosto de 2009

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Digital Compact Camera Nikon COOLPIX S1000pj

The world's first compact camera to feature a built-in projector enhances the fun of sharing special moments anywhere.
Warm Silver

TOKYO — Nikon Corporation is pleased to announce the introduction of the COOLPIX S1000pj. Packing the pleasure of a personal go-anywhere theater into a stylish compact enclosure, the COOLPIX S1000pj delivers a fun new way to share pictures with friends and family in most any location.

The COOLPIX S1000pj is the first compact digital camera* in the world to feature a built-in projector. With a simple touch of a button, the camera projects favorite photos or movies clips on any flat surface at up to 40 inches in size. Pictures can be projected individually, or as slide shows complete with music and added effects that enhance the experience. It's the fun new way to share pictures with family and friends in most any location.


This capability to project still images or movie clips gives birth to an entirely new form of communication as all participants visually share the passion of special moments together. For example, the COOLPIX S1000pj can be used to capture photos on a family vacation, and then serve double-duty as a personal theater in the evening as everyone enjoys viewing the highlights of the day projected on a wall or a ceiling. Whenever and just about wherever friends gather, the COOLPIX S1000pj's projector can add whole new life to the party by displaying nostalgic pictures or freshly shot images for all to enjoy. Parents can even use the COOLPIX S1000pj to display photos of their own artworks or other images on the ceiling to complement bedtime stories they tell their children.

A handy projector stand is included, as is a remote control that can be used to operate the projector, release the shutter, and more.

Also featured are the precision optics of a 5x zoom NIKKOR lens that provides the compositional freedom of 28mm wide-angle coverage and macro shooting ability from as close as 3 cm (1.2 in.). This combines with the image quality and performance benefits of Nikon's innovative EXPEED digital image-processing concept to help ensure consistently beautiful results produced at the high resolution of 12.1 effective megapixels.

The COOLPIX S1000pj will be available in Black or Warm Silver. (Color name and color availability may vary according to region.)

Among digital cameras as of August 4, 2009 (according to research conducted by Nikon Corporation).

Note: Specifications, design, product name, standard accessories, and release schedule may differ by country or area.

Nikon COOLPIX S1000pj Feature Highlights

Sharper results with five advanced Nikon image stabilizing features*1

Nikon's Optical lens shift and Electronic VR image stabilization systems combine to help produce blur-free images. High ISO 6400*2 capability allows faster shutter speeds when shooting in low light or capturing fast-moving subjects. Motion Detection automatically controls shutter speed and the ISO setting to compensate for subject movement and camera shake. And, Nikon's original BSS (Best Shot Selector) function automatically shoots a series of sequential frames and saves the one with the sharpest focus.

*1 The camera selects and uses only the features required to optimize each image.
*2 ISO 3200 and 6400 are available only for image sizes of 3M (2048 x 1536) or smaller.

Nikon's Smart Portrait System with Skin Softening

Face-priority AF helps produce more satisfying portraits by adjusting focus and exposure for as many as 12 faces in the framed shot. Skin Softening function detects and analyzes a framed subject's skin, and then adjusts smoothness to produce enhanced results. Smile Timer automatically releases the shutter when the subject smiles, while its Blink Proof function shoots two sequential frames, then saves the one in which the subject's eyes are widest open. Blink Warning presents an alert when it suspects that someone in the shot has blinked. In-Camera Red-Eye Fix automatically corrects any perceived red-eye effect before saving the image to memory.

Intelligent automated shooting modes that promote carefree shooting

Nikon's Scene Auto Selector makes it faster and easier to capture the moment by eliminating the need to manually select a scene mode to match the intended shot. This intelligent function determines the subject, analyzes the surrounding settings, and then automatically selects the appropriate scene mode for optimal results. Subject Tracking enhances the shooting experience by following the subject's movement to ensure clear focus and quick response when that special shutter opportunity presents itself. Subject Tracking even functions if the subject moves out of the frame for a second or two.

Quick Retouch

Quick Retouch automatically adjusts the contrast and saturation of selected photos to create an enhanced copy with the right finishing touch.


Nikon COOLPIX S1000pj Other Features

  • 2.7-in. high-resolution LCD monitor with anti-reflection coated cover
  • 16 handy scene modes for optimized shooting in various settings
  • D-Lighting
  • Active Zoom
  • Auto Sort and Favorite Pictures functions
  • Four movie modes with sound
  • Time zone function for easy setting of multiple locations
  • Approx. 36 MB of internal memory
  • Hi-Speed USB connectivity


Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX S1000pj Specifications

Effective pixels 12.1 million
Image sensor 1/2.3-in. CCD; total pixels: approx. 12.39 million
Lens 5x zoom NIKKOR; 5.0-25.0mm (equivalent with 35mm [135] format picture angle: 28-140mm); f/3.9-5.8; Digital zoom: up to 4x (35mm [135] format picture angle: 560mm)
Focus range (from lens) 30cm (1 ft.) to infinity (∞), Macro mode: 3cm (1.2 in.) to infinity (∞)
Monitor 2.7-in., approx. 230k-dot, TFT LCD with anti-reflection coating
Storage media Internal memory (approx. 36 MB), SD/SDHC memory cards*1
Image size (pixels) 4000 x 3000 (High: 4000★/Normal: 4000), 3264 x 2448 (Normal: 3264), 2592 x 1944 (Normal: 2592), 2048 x 1536 (Normal: 2048), 1024 x 768 (PC: 1024), 640 x 480 (TV: 640), 3968 x 2232 (16:9: 3968)
Vibration Reduction (VR) Combination lens-shift and electronic VR
ISO sensitivity
ISO 80, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200*2, 6400*2, Auto (auto gain ISO 80-800), Fixed range auto (ISO 80-200, 80-400)
Interface Hi-Speed USB
Power sources Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL12 (supplied), AC Adapter EH-62F (optional)
Battery life Approx. 220 shots with EN-EL12 battery
Dimensions (W x H x D) Approx. 99.5 x 62.5 x 23 mm (4 x 2.5 x 0.9 in.) excluding projections
Weight Approx. 155 g (5.5 oz.) without battery and SD/SDHC memory card
Supplied accessories*3 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL12, Battery Charger MH-65, USB Cable UC-E6, Audio Video Cable EG-CP14, Strap AN-CP19, Projector Stand ET-2, Remote Control ML-L4, Software Suite CD-ROM
Optional accessory AC Adapter EH-62F
Projector Brightness*4: up to 10 lumens; Image size: 5 to 40 in.; Throw distance: approx. 26 cm to 2 m (10 in. to 6 ft. 6 in.); Endurance (battery life)*5: approx. 1 hour; Resolution (output): VGA equivalent

*1 Not compatible with Multi Media Cards (MMC).
*2  ISO 3200 and 6400 are available only for image sizes of 3M (2048 x 1536) or smaller.
*3  Supplied accessories may differ by country or area.
*4  Measurement, measuring conditions and method of notation all comply with ISO 21118.
*5 Based on continuous use of a fully-charged EN-EL12 battery at 25°C/77°F.
System Requirements
OS Macintosh: Mac OS X (version 10.3.9, 10.4.11, 10.5.6, 10.5.7)
Windows: Preinstalled versions of Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (32-bit Home Basic/Home Premium/Business/Enterprise/Ultimate editions), Windows XP Service Pack 3 (Home Edition/Professional)
Note CD-ROM drive required for installation. Only built-in USB ports are supported.

Microsoft®, Windows® and Windows Vista™ are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Macintosh®, Mac® OS and QuickTime® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
The SDHC logo is a trademark. PictBridge is a trademark.
The FotoNation logo is a trademark.
CompactFlash® and Extreme® are registered trademarks of SanDisk Corporation.
Products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Images on displays shown in this brochure are simulated.

Specifications and equipment are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer.

Fuente: Nikon News

UNYKA Etiquetas de : ,
, , , , ,

Digital Compact Camera Nikon COOLPIX S1000pj

The world's first compact camera to feature a built-in projector enhances the fun of sharing special moments anywhere.
Warm Silver

TOKYO — Nikon Corporation is pleased to announce the introduction of the COOLPIX S1000pj. Packing the pleasure of a personal go-anywhere theater into a stylish compact enclosure, the COOLPIX S1000pj delivers a fun new way to share pictures with friends and family in most any location.

The COOLPIX S1000pj is the first compact digital camera* in the world to feature a built-in projector. With a simple touch of a button, the camera projects favorite photos or movies clips on any flat surface at up to 40 inches in size. Pictures can be projected individually, or as slide shows complete with music and added effects that enhance the experience. It's the fun new way to share pictures with family and friends in most any location.


This capability to project still images or movie clips gives birth to an entirely new form of communication as all participants visually share the passion of special moments together. For example, the COOLPIX S1000pj can be used to capture photos on a family vacation, and then serve double-duty as a personal theater in the evening as everyone enjoys viewing the highlights of the day projected on a wall or a ceiling. Whenever and just about wherever friends gather, the COOLPIX S1000pj's projector can add whole new life to the party by displaying nostalgic pictures or freshly shot images for all to enjoy. Parents can even use the COOLPIX S1000pj to display photos of their own artworks or other images on the ceiling to complement bedtime stories they tell their children.

A handy projector stand is included, as is a remote control that can be used to operate the projector, release the shutter, and more.

Also featured are the precision optics of a 5x zoom NIKKOR lens that provides the compositional freedom of 28mm wide-angle coverage and macro shooting ability from as close as 3 cm (1.2 in.). This combines with the image quality and performance benefits of Nikon's innovative EXPEED digital image-processing concept to help ensure consistently beautiful results produced at the high resolution of 12.1 effective megapixels.

The COOLPIX S1000pj will be available in Black or Warm Silver. (Color name and color availability may vary according to region.)

Among digital cameras as of August 4, 2009 (according to research conducted by Nikon Corporation).

Note: Specifications, design, product name, standard accessories, and release schedule may differ by country or area.

Nikon COOLPIX S1000pj Feature Highlights

Sharper results with five advanced Nikon image stabilizing features*1

Nikon's Optical lens shift and Electronic VR image stabilization systems combine to help produce blur-free images. High ISO 6400*2 capability allows faster shutter speeds when shooting in low light or capturing fast-moving subjects. Motion Detection automatically controls shutter speed and the ISO setting to compensate for subject movement and camera shake. And, Nikon's original BSS (Best Shot Selector) function automatically shoots a series of sequential frames and saves the one with the sharpest focus.

*1 The camera selects and uses only the features required to optimize each image.
*2 ISO 3200 and 6400 are available only for image sizes of 3M (2048 x 1536) or smaller.

Nikon's Smart Portrait System with Skin Softening

Face-priority AF helps produce more satisfying portraits by adjusting focus and exposure for as many as 12 faces in the framed shot. Skin Softening function detects and analyzes a framed subject's skin, and then adjusts smoothness to produce enhanced results. Smile Timer automatically releases the shutter when the subject smiles, while its Blink Proof function shoots two sequential frames, then saves the one in which the subject's eyes are widest open. Blink Warning presents an alert when it suspects that someone in the shot has blinked. In-Camera Red-Eye Fix automatically corrects any perceived red-eye effect before saving the image to memory.

Intelligent automated shooting modes that promote carefree shooting

Nikon's Scene Auto Selector makes it faster and easier to capture the moment by eliminating the need to manually select a scene mode to match the intended shot. This intelligent function determines the subject, analyzes the surrounding settings, and then automatically selects the appropriate scene mode for optimal results. Subject Tracking enhances the shooting experience by following the subject's movement to ensure clear focus and quick response when that special shutter opportunity presents itself. Subject Tracking even functions if the subject moves out of the frame for a second or two.

Quick Retouch

Quick Retouch automatically adjusts the contrast and saturation of selected photos to create an enhanced copy with the right finishing touch.


Nikon COOLPIX S1000pj Other Features

  • 2.7-in. high-resolution LCD monitor with anti-reflection coated cover
  • 16 handy scene modes for optimized shooting in various settings
  • D-Lighting
  • Active Zoom
  • Auto Sort and Favorite Pictures functions
  • Four movie modes with sound
  • Time zone function for easy setting of multiple locations
  • Approx. 36 MB of internal memory
  • Hi-Speed USB connectivity


Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX S1000pj Specifications

Effective pixels 12.1 million
Image sensor 1/2.3-in. CCD; total pixels: approx. 12.39 million
Lens 5x zoom NIKKOR; 5.0-25.0mm (equivalent with 35mm [135] format picture angle: 28-140mm); f/3.9-5.8; Digital zoom: up to 4x (35mm [135] format picture angle: 560mm)
Focus range (from lens) 30cm (1 ft.) to infinity (∞), Macro mode: 3cm (1.2 in.) to infinity (∞)
Monitor 2.7-in., approx. 230k-dot, TFT LCD with anti-reflection coating
Storage media Internal memory (approx. 36 MB), SD/SDHC memory cards*1
Image size (pixels) 4000 x 3000 (High: 4000★/Normal: 4000), 3264 x 2448 (Normal: 3264), 2592 x 1944 (Normal: 2592), 2048 x 1536 (Normal: 2048), 1024 x 768 (PC: 1024), 640 x 480 (TV: 640), 3968 x 2232 (16:9: 3968)
Vibration Reduction (VR) Combination lens-shift and electronic VR
ISO sensitivity
ISO 80, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200*2, 6400*2, Auto (auto gain ISO 80-800), Fixed range auto (ISO 80-200, 80-400)
Interface Hi-Speed USB
Power sources Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL12 (supplied), AC Adapter EH-62F (optional)
Battery life Approx. 220 shots with EN-EL12 battery
Dimensions (W x H x D) Approx. 99.5 x 62.5 x 23 mm (4 x 2.5 x 0.9 in.) excluding projections
Weight Approx. 155 g (5.5 oz.) without battery and SD/SDHC memory card
Supplied accessories*3 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL12, Battery Charger MH-65, USB Cable UC-E6, Audio Video Cable EG-CP14, Strap AN-CP19, Projector Stand ET-2, Remote Control ML-L4, Software Suite CD-ROM
Optional accessory AC Adapter EH-62F
Projector Brightness*4: up to 10 lumens; Image size: 5 to 40 in.; Throw distance: approx. 26 cm to 2 m (10 in. to 6 ft. 6 in.); Endurance (battery life)*5: approx. 1 hour; Resolution (output): VGA equivalent

*1 Not compatible with Multi Media Cards (MMC).
*2  ISO 3200 and 6400 are available only for image sizes of 3M (2048 x 1536) or smaller.
*3  Supplied accessories may differ by country or area.
*4  Measurement, measuring conditions and method of notation all comply with ISO 21118.
*5 Based on continuous use of a fully-charged EN-EL12 battery at 25°C/77°F.
System Requirements
OS Macintosh: Mac OS X (version 10.3.9, 10.4.11, 10.5.6, 10.5.7)
Windows: Preinstalled versions of Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (32-bit Home Basic/Home Premium/Business/Enterprise/Ultimate editions), Windows XP Service Pack 3 (Home Edition/Professional)
Note CD-ROM drive required for installation. Only built-in USB ports are supported.

Microsoft®, Windows® and Windows Vista™ are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Macintosh®, Mac® OS and QuickTime® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
The SDHC logo is a trademark. PictBridge is a trademark.
The FotoNation logo is a trademark.
CompactFlash® and Extreme® are registered trademarks of SanDisk Corporation.
Products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Images on displays shown in this brochure are simulated.

Specifications and equipment are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer.

Fuente: Nikon News

UNYKA Etiquetas de : ,

6 de agosto de 2009

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Winners - Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009 Announcement of Winners

August 6, 2009 - Nikon Corporation (President: Michio Kariya) is pleased to announce the winners of the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009 – one of the world's largest and most prestigious photo contests.

Held since 1969 and currently staged once every other year, the contest provides an opportunity for photographers around the world to communicate and to enrich photographic culture for professionals and amateurs alike.

For the 32nd staging of the contest, the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009 ran with the theme "At the heart of the image," which is also the brand statement of Nikon Imaging Company. Attracting more than 51,000 photographs from 153 countries and regions, or 1.1 times the number of entries than the previous contest, the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009 generated interest from the largest number of countries and regions in recent years.

Cave Of Hope






Grand Prize winner
"Cave Of Hope"
Maung Maung Gyi (Myanmar)

A total of 54 prize winners were selected from among the large number of entries, with Mr. Maung Maung Gyi from Myanmar selected as the winner of the Grand Prize for his work entitled "Cave Of Hope."

In commenting on the contest, the 10 international photography professionals who formed the international judging panel stated that there were a large number of unique entries with strong, individual views, reflecting the entrants' passion for photography. The judges learned new ways to view photography by experiencing firsthand how other judges in the panels interpreted the works.

The contest aims to attract an even greater number of participants, the end goal being to further develop a venue that allows people from around the world to share their vision, and to thereby actively contribute to the world's photographic culture.

The winners along with their works can be seen on the Nikon Photo Contest International website beginning August 6, 2009 (http://www.nikon-npci.com/).

Overview of the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009

The theme for the 32nd contest was "At the heart of the image" – a theme which is both the brand statement of Nikon Imaging Company and an invitation for photographers to freely express their emotions.

Entries based on this theme were requested in two different categories, "Free subject" and "My Planet." They were accepted from September 1 to November 30, 2008 and were received from all over the world by conventional mail and via the Internet.

The "Free subject" category welcomed all entries that expressed the photographer's emotions in any manner the entrant pleased without restriction. The "My Planet" category called for works that expressed the photographer's feelings about their world, whether that involved the environment, scenes from their daily life, or people and other subjects that stirred their passions.

Summary of Entries

More than 18,000 entrants submitted in excess of 51,000 photographs, with works coming from a total of 153 countries and regions - the largest number of countries and regions from which the contest has attracted entries in recent years.
Beginning with the 29th contest (2002-2003), Internet entries were accepted in addition to those made via conventional mail. The growth of the Internet contributes strongly to the large increase in the number of entries noted for the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009, as well as to the contest becoming a truly global event inviting an ever-greater number of participants from every corner of the world. At the same time, many of the judges expressed concerns regarding the addition of digital effects to photos, seen in a large number of Internet entries. This will undoubtedly become an issue to be examined in the future.

Judging, Awards and Prizes

A team of 10 acclaimed professionals working internationally in various photographic fields was appointed as judges. The judges from Japan were: Mr. Yoshitaka Nakatani, Mr. Kazuyoshi Nomachi, Mr. Kazuyoshi Miyoshi, Ms. Masako Imaoka, Mr. Manabu Miyazaki, Mr. Takashi Yamaguchi, and Ms. Sayaka Ikemoto. The judges from overseas were: Ms. Ami Vitale from the U.S.A., Mr. Alptekin Baloglu from Turkey, and Ms. Claudia Hinterseer from the Netherlands. The judges selected a total of 34 winners: one Grand Prize winner and one NIKKOR 75th Anniversary Award winner, in addition to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize winners for each category.
Added to the 34 prizes above, four winners and 16 runners-up were selected to receive the Emerging Talent Award for outstanding entries from photographers under the age of 30 that exhibit a fresh perspective and convey the energy of youth. This award was created for the 30th contest to encourage young photographers to create and to participate. All in all, a total of 54 winners were selected: Grand Prize (1), NIKKOR 75th Anniversary Award (1), 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes for the "Free subject" and " My Planet" categories (16 + 16), plus the Emerging Talent Award (4) and runners-up (16).

Winning works of the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009
The Grand Prize

*This prize is awarded to the photograph chosen as the most outstanding among all the entries submitted, regardless of category.

Cave Of Hope


"Cave Of Hope" - Maung Maung Gyi (Myanmar)

The Grand Prize was awarded to Mr. Maung Maung Gyi of Myanmar for his work entitled "Cave Of Hope." The photo is a deeply impressive, dramatic entry that is reminiscent of a religious painting. Judges' comments include "there is a depth in this photo that never gets old. If one looks at this photo many years from now, they will still be moved by its quiet yet powerful nature," and "one will be overcome with pious thoughts just by looking at this photo.


NIKKOR 75th Anniversary Award
At the heart of the Kaszuby forest

"At the heart of the Kaszuby forest" - Kacper Kowalski (Poland)

* This prize was established to commemorate this year's 75th anniversary of the NIKKOR brand lenses, and is awarded to the outstanding work that places second after the Grand Prize winner.

The NIKKOR 75th Anniversary Award was presented to Mr. Kacper Kowalski of Poland for his work entitled "At the heart of the kaszuby forrest." This image is awe-inspiring thanks to its unique angle and its subject, a never-before-seen landscape.

1st Prize: Free subject category

* This prize is awarded to the most outstanding entry submitted in the "Free subject" category.

* Entries were judged by how well they expressed the photographer's emotions, in any manner and on any subject the entrant pleased.


"Quarrel"  -  Zsolt Kudich (Hungary)

1st Prize was awarded to Mr. Zsolt Kudich of Hungary for his work entitled " Quarrel." This shot captures the split-second expressions of two birds in a tensely set composition. The precise framing beautifully depicting the strength in life, and the strong impact this photo has are testaments to the solid techniques of the photographer.


1st. Prize : "My Planet" category

* This prize is awarded to the most outstanding entry submitted in the " My Planet" category.

* Entries were judged by how well they expressed the photographer's feelings about their world, whether that involved the environment, scenes from their daily life, or people and other subjects that stirred their passions.




Peter Allinson (U.S.A.)

1st. Prize was awarded to Mr. Peter Allinson of the U.S.A. for his work entitled "Friends." The superb angling of the shot makes the whale look as if it is smiling. This photo raises environmental awareness not by elaborate explanations but with its unstaged portrayal of nature. It shows the photography’s power to convey important messages regardless of generation.

Emerging Talent Awards

* Independent of the Grand, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Prizes, this award is presented to four photographers under the age of 30 whose photographs show a fresh perspective, demonstrate high-level expressive power and convey the energy of youth.

Selected to receive the award were Ms. Elena Chernyshova of Russia for her work entitled "Flow of Life", Mr. Aydin Berk Bilgin of Turkey for "AMEN2", Mr. Danny Ghitis of the U.S.A. for "Ganges Bather", and Mr. Yuuta Kawai of Japan for "Let's think all." These four works were chosen as those showing power, freshness and a young perspective that indicates great future potential as a photographer.

Flow of Life




Flow of Life
Elena Chernyshova (Russia)




Aydin Berk Bilgin (Turkey)

Ganges Bathe




Ganges Bathe
Danny Ghitis (U.S.A.)

Let's think all

Let's think all
Yuuta Kawai (Japan)


Introductions of all the prize winners and their works can be viewed on the Nikon Photo Contest International website (http://www.nikon-npci.com/). Plans include posting a mini gallery that displays other works by about 20 entrants, including the Grand Prize winner and Emerging Talent Award winners and runners-up.

For further details, please access the official Nikon Photo Contest International Web site at: http://www.nikon-npci.com/

The copyright of award winning photographs of Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009 belongs to photographers and is protected by law.
The images can be viewed on your monitor for non-commercial and personal purpose, and should not be used otherwise.
The images are not allowed to be modified, used for commercial purpose, nor should they be publicly displayed.

Fuente: Nikon

UNYKA Etiquetas de : , , ,
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Winners - Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009 Announcement of Winners

August 6, 2009 - Nikon Corporation (President: Michio Kariya) is pleased to announce the winners of the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009 – one of the world's largest and most prestigious photo contests.

Held since 1969 and currently staged once every other year, the contest provides an opportunity for photographers around the world to communicate and to enrich photographic culture for professionals and amateurs alike.

For the 32nd staging of the contest, the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009 ran with the theme "At the heart of the image," which is also the brand statement of Nikon Imaging Company. Attracting more than 51,000 photographs from 153 countries and regions, or 1.1 times the number of entries than the previous contest, the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009 generated interest from the largest number of countries and regions in recent years.

Cave Of Hope






Grand Prize winner
"Cave Of Hope"
Maung Maung Gyi (Myanmar)

A total of 54 prize winners were selected from among the large number of entries, with Mr. Maung Maung Gyi from Myanmar selected as the winner of the Grand Prize for his work entitled "Cave Of Hope."

In commenting on the contest, the 10 international photography professionals who formed the international judging panel stated that there were a large number of unique entries with strong, individual views, reflecting the entrants' passion for photography. The judges learned new ways to view photography by experiencing firsthand how other judges in the panels interpreted the works.

The contest aims to attract an even greater number of participants, the end goal being to further develop a venue that allows people from around the world to share their vision, and to thereby actively contribute to the world's photographic culture.

The winners along with their works can be seen on the Nikon Photo Contest International website beginning August 6, 2009 (http://www.nikon-npci.com/).

Overview of the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009

The theme for the 32nd contest was "At the heart of the image" – a theme which is both the brand statement of Nikon Imaging Company and an invitation for photographers to freely express their emotions.

Entries based on this theme were requested in two different categories, "Free subject" and "My Planet." They were accepted from September 1 to November 30, 2008 and were received from all over the world by conventional mail and via the Internet.

The "Free subject" category welcomed all entries that expressed the photographer's emotions in any manner the entrant pleased without restriction. The "My Planet" category called for works that expressed the photographer's feelings about their world, whether that involved the environment, scenes from their daily life, or people and other subjects that stirred their passions.

Summary of Entries

More than 18,000 entrants submitted in excess of 51,000 photographs, with works coming from a total of 153 countries and regions - the largest number of countries and regions from which the contest has attracted entries in recent years.
Beginning with the 29th contest (2002-2003), Internet entries were accepted in addition to those made via conventional mail. The growth of the Internet contributes strongly to the large increase in the number of entries noted for the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009, as well as to the contest becoming a truly global event inviting an ever-greater number of participants from every corner of the world. At the same time, many of the judges expressed concerns regarding the addition of digital effects to photos, seen in a large number of Internet entries. This will undoubtedly become an issue to be examined in the future.

Judging, Awards and Prizes

A team of 10 acclaimed professionals working internationally in various photographic fields was appointed as judges. The judges from Japan were: Mr. Yoshitaka Nakatani, Mr. Kazuyoshi Nomachi, Mr. Kazuyoshi Miyoshi, Ms. Masako Imaoka, Mr. Manabu Miyazaki, Mr. Takashi Yamaguchi, and Ms. Sayaka Ikemoto. The judges from overseas were: Ms. Ami Vitale from the U.S.A., Mr. Alptekin Baloglu from Turkey, and Ms. Claudia Hinterseer from the Netherlands. The judges selected a total of 34 winners: one Grand Prize winner and one NIKKOR 75th Anniversary Award winner, in addition to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize winners for each category.
Added to the 34 prizes above, four winners and 16 runners-up were selected to receive the Emerging Talent Award for outstanding entries from photographers under the age of 30 that exhibit a fresh perspective and convey the energy of youth. This award was created for the 30th contest to encourage young photographers to create and to participate. All in all, a total of 54 winners were selected: Grand Prize (1), NIKKOR 75th Anniversary Award (1), 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes for the "Free subject" and " My Planet" categories (16 + 16), plus the Emerging Talent Award (4) and runners-up (16).

Winning works of the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009
The Grand Prize

*This prize is awarded to the photograph chosen as the most outstanding among all the entries submitted, regardless of category.

Cave Of Hope


"Cave Of Hope" - Maung Maung Gyi (Myanmar)

The Grand Prize was awarded to Mr. Maung Maung Gyi of Myanmar for his work entitled "Cave Of Hope." The photo is a deeply impressive, dramatic entry that is reminiscent of a religious painting. Judges' comments include "there is a depth in this photo that never gets old. If one looks at this photo many years from now, they will still be moved by its quiet yet powerful nature," and "one will be overcome with pious thoughts just by looking at this photo.


NIKKOR 75th Anniversary Award
At the heart of the Kaszuby forest

"At the heart of the Kaszuby forest" - Kacper Kowalski (Poland)

* This prize was established to commemorate this year's 75th anniversary of the NIKKOR brand lenses, and is awarded to the outstanding work that places second after the Grand Prize winner.

The NIKKOR 75th Anniversary Award was presented to Mr. Kacper Kowalski of Poland for his work entitled "At the heart of the kaszuby forrest." This image is awe-inspiring thanks to its unique angle and its subject, a never-before-seen landscape.

1st Prize: Free subject category

* This prize is awarded to the most outstanding entry submitted in the "Free subject" category.

* Entries were judged by how well they expressed the photographer's emotions, in any manner and on any subject the entrant pleased.


"Quarrel"  -  Zsolt Kudich (Hungary)

1st Prize was awarded to Mr. Zsolt Kudich of Hungary for his work entitled " Quarrel." This shot captures the split-second expressions of two birds in a tensely set composition. The precise framing beautifully depicting the strength in life, and the strong impact this photo has are testaments to the solid techniques of the photographer.


1st. Prize : "My Planet" category

* This prize is awarded to the most outstanding entry submitted in the " My Planet" category.

* Entries were judged by how well they expressed the photographer's feelings about their world, whether that involved the environment, scenes from their daily life, or people and other subjects that stirred their passions.




Peter Allinson (U.S.A.)

1st. Prize was awarded to Mr. Peter Allinson of the U.S.A. for his work entitled "Friends." The superb angling of the shot makes the whale look as if it is smiling. This photo raises environmental awareness not by elaborate explanations but with its unstaged portrayal of nature. It shows the photography’s power to convey important messages regardless of generation.

Emerging Talent Awards

* Independent of the Grand, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Prizes, this award is presented to four photographers under the age of 30 whose photographs show a fresh perspective, demonstrate high-level expressive power and convey the energy of youth.

Selected to receive the award were Ms. Elena Chernyshova of Russia for her work entitled "Flow of Life", Mr. Aydin Berk Bilgin of Turkey for "AMEN2", Mr. Danny Ghitis of the U.S.A. for "Ganges Bather", and Mr. Yuuta Kawai of Japan for "Let's think all." These four works were chosen as those showing power, freshness and a young perspective that indicates great future potential as a photographer.

Flow of Life




Flow of Life
Elena Chernyshova (Russia)




Aydin Berk Bilgin (Turkey)

Ganges Bathe




Ganges Bathe
Danny Ghitis (U.S.A.)

Let's think all

Let's think all
Yuuta Kawai (Japan)


Introductions of all the prize winners and their works can be viewed on the Nikon Photo Contest International website (http://www.nikon-npci.com/). Plans include posting a mini gallery that displays other works by about 20 entrants, including the Grand Prize winner and Emerging Talent Award winners and runners-up.

For further details, please access the official Nikon Photo Contest International Web site at: http://www.nikon-npci.com/

The copyright of award winning photographs of Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009 belongs to photographers and is protected by law.
The images can be viewed on your monitor for non-commercial and personal purpose, and should not be used otherwise.
The images are not allowed to be modified, used for commercial purpose, nor should they be publicly displayed.

Fuente: Nikon

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